Innovation is in the company's DNA: Plant of life is committed to providing the best products on the market while constantly working to design and offer new products that will be the must-haves of tomorrow! They have positioned themselves at the forefront of research and innovation and can already boast of having more than 1,000 products available for sale on the market.


Adherence to standards: Lately, they have also introduced the strictest quality protocols such as ISO9001:2015 and GMP to ensure fast, safe and efficient manufacturing. The result is an unprecedented level of service and product, and the company has won many heart warming comments from wholesale and retail customers.


 Plant of life's design


In any business model, its success is closely linked to the mastery of the production processes, from planting to distribution, passing through the meticulous cultivation, harvesting, transformation of biomass, extraction of cannabinoids and their subsequent use in the manufacture of the final product. Its highly developed distribution system is the icing on the cake.

Plant of life's position in the global market


Having firmly established our presence in the European market, we have more than 5,000 sales outlets spread across 27 countries in the European Union and beyond. This multiplicity of sellers allows the end user to have many alternatives and platforms when looking for their products and allows them to make purchases both online and in a physical store near their home. But Europe is not the ultimate goal.


What the platform holds for the future


In the coming years, Plant of life plans to strengthen its presence in the post-Brexit UK and expand to other developing cannabis markets such as Asia-Pacific, North America and Australia. Latin America. The potential of the cannabis industry is directly linked to demand, a fact that holds enormous promise for the future, as demand has already grown significantly and continues to grow exponentially.